Sunday, July 11, 2010

Maria Camacho
English 20
Cerritos College
Post #2

Only Daughter

When I started reading Only Daughter by Sandra Cisneros, I thought to myself "this is me" but with only two brothers not six. Being my dad's only daughter and the oldest meant to him alot. He would always tell me, "Hija que quieres estudiar?" And I would tell him that I want to be a registered nurse. When I told him that I want to be a registered nurse that made him happy because then he would say, "That is good and then one can heal me when I get sick." That would make me happy and smile because my dad supports me in everything I want to do and so does my mom. When they ask my mom or dad what does your daughter work or major in? I want them to be proud of me and say, " My daughter is a registered nurse at so and so hospital." Being the only daughter with two brothers and the oldest is not fun because my brothers get to do stuff that my parents do not let me do. Well only my brother that is soon to be 17 years old gets to stay out late and do stuff with my cousins and I have to stay home and baby-sit the other one. Only once in awhile I get to stuff like him but I guess it is because I am the only girl/daughter. When the day comes that I am finally a registered nurse, it would make me happy and my parents proud.

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